Ritual to Invoke a Dream

Dreams are the facts from which we must proceed.
— Carl Jung

Ritual to Invoke a Dream

  1. Clarify your intention before you begin.
    For example,  “What does the great dreamer have to say to me tonight?” or, “May I receive a dream of ___________ (healing, fortification, insight, etc.) tonight.”

  2. Place a pen and notebook laying open next to your bed.
    This needs to be in an easy to reach spot, where even in the dark you can easily find it. 

  3. Before you fall asleep, state your intention (from step 1).
    For example, “I ask to be guided in my dreamtime tonight by the Great Dreamer and my own higher consciousness. May I receive a dream that will  _________(speak your intention)_____________.. Thank you in advance for the dreams I will receive. So it is.”

  4.  Anytime you wake up in the night, roll over and scrawl a few words about the dream's themes and images into your notebook.
    You don't even need to turn on the light-- just roll over and scrawl a few words and phrases down. These will support your dream recall when you wake up. 

  5. When you wake in the morning, record each dream you had as a separate entry into your notebook.
    Date each entry, and eep the dream speak pure by writing it in first person, just as you experienced it. For example, "I was walking down the road and stopped to talk to a friend. She said to me, "Hello, how are you?" Do not analyze the dream yet, just write it exactly as it happened. 

    ***If you don’t have a dream, don’t worry! Energy follows intention, and our psyche will respond if we continue to turn our attention towards our dreamworld. Repeat this process every night for a week, or until you receive a dream. 

  6. Say some closing words of gratitude to end the ritual.
    For example, “I give thanks to the Great Dreamer, and my own higher consciousness, for the guiding and healing dreams I have received. Thank you, and so it is.” 

  7. Use your favorite dream interpretation methods to explore the sacred symbols, instructions and messages encoded within your dream.
    When deciphering our dream's codes, look for moments of "Aha!" or an interpretation that just "clicks."  You may even find yourself surprised by an unexpected understanding! These are all good signs you're on the right track. Dreams come to help us understand what we do not yet fully know and to grow into more aware and whole versions of ourselves. 

    If you would like to learn more about working with your dreams, schedule a 1:1 learning session with me and I will help you get set up with your own dreamworking practice. 

Each night dreams pound on the roofs of our lives like stars tearing at the darkness within us. They speak a language improvised just for us as they provoke and whisper, warn and even threaten in order to awaken us from the sleep of our common lives.
— Michael Meade

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