House, Business and Land Blessings

House, Business and Land Blessings

A blessing and energy clearing ritual for your home, land, business, or vehicle.

  • We begin with a tour of your home and a discussion of what your intentions are for the clearing and blessing of the space.

  • After we finish this intake process, the energetic clearing and blessing takes place.

  • This is followed by a discussion about what happened during the ritual, and any information I may have received regarding things you may do moving forward to live or work harmoniously in the space. This discussion takes place over a small meal that we will share.
    *The sharing of a meal ensures that the first energies imprinted on your newly cleared and blessed space are full of connection, community, abundance and nourishment.

These rituals are performed on a case by case basis. They are complex and require significant preparation for me as a facilitator. Their typical duration is 5-6 hours, but the ritual can range from 3-8 hours depending on the size, age, and specific circumstances of your location. If there is significant paranormal activity, the ceremony will likely be longer in duration. Some ceremonies necessitate the presence of a ceremonial drummer or additional support persons.

Please contact me for a free consultation where we will discuss your specific circumstances and my estimate of timing and rates.

If I am unable to perform a blessing for you, I will be able to give you the names of several capable facilitators who might be a good fit for your circumstances.

Testimonials for House Blessings

Working with Katy was an experience that fortified me, engaged my relationship with my home, and allowed me to really unfurl after moving into a new space. From our initial meeting, I knew in my spirit that Katy was the right person. She is inviting, warm, and attuned. What I appreciated most was how she listened, and her communication to prepare me for what to expect before, during, and after the ceremony of blessing my house had occurred both physically, emotionally, and spatially. She brought in support people who matched her energy and did not take up space during the process, and left me with a home that felt inviting and ready for me to occupy it's four walls and the land, with more ease. I did not expect this ceremony to change my life and the way that I relate to my new home in the way that it did, but I would recommend Katy without hesitation to any of my friends/family who are looking for this type of deep + nourishing support. Thank you, Katy!” -D.S.

“Katy also did a house blessing for us after my brother-in-law moved out. I asked her to do it after I kept getting this feeling that his and perhaps other energy was stuck in our house and my home didn't feel like mine. She and her colleague came one spring day and spent several hours at our home, moving through each room firmly and lovingly clearing old energy out to make room for ours. She made sure to include my wild toddlers in the process, harnessing their pure energy and taking them in under her protection. After the house blessing my home felt clear and alive with lots of room for my loud and energetic family to take up every inch of its wonderful space. We planted a new garden the following season and have had tremendous growing results where before plants seemed to languish despite our best efforts. Our house hums with warmth and life since she has blessed it since inviting Katy and her work into our lives.” -Erin A.S.