Protection, Power, Release, Rebirth

Mystic’s Weekend: Protection, Power, Release, Rebirth

What to expect: Craft a series of items and experience a series of rituals to heal, let go and close out the year in preparation for the countdown to Yule. 

  1. Crafting a protection bag for the coming year.

  2. How to craft a woven cord of power - an umbilical cord to spirit.

  3. How to craft/burn an annual releasing bundle in Ritual Fire (and how to make a ritual fire).

  4. Ritual meal with prayer infused food and drink.

  5. Overnight dream ritual for healing and divination purposes.

  6. Self healing rituals for cleansing, soul retrieval and restoration to help you heal and recover from the year.

  7. Crafting a rebirthing/blessing infused honey/salt/mud for use over the next lunar cycle/until Yule.

Limited to 10 participants.

Dates: Saturday November 23rd, 10am - Sunday November 24th, 5pm.

Location: Eaglemount, WA, just outside of Port Townsend, WA on the Olympic Peninsula.

Lodging is $40/night if you stay on site in Eaglemount, WA at rustic and outdoorsy retreat space. Not required for you to lodge on site. 

Exchange: sliding scale $275 - $350 for the weekend, whatever you can honestly pay. You're welcome to split this into payments, if needed. 

Provided Supplies: mud/clay, salt, honey, jars. some herbs and materia for you to use in the protection bags and releasing bundles, tissue paper and some craft supplies, etc. 

You would need to supply: 

1. string for your cord

2. leather or fabric and a needle/thread for your bag

3. any personal materia you want to add to your protection bag or releasing bundle

4. anything from the year you'd like to burn in a ritual fire

5. Ritual meal would be a potluck contributed to by all, and we would all participate in the preparations and blessing of the ingredients. Usually a soup, stew or curry works best for accommodating everyone's food allergies and is also low cost. 

6. Optional: any materia you feel called to share with the group members for bags or bundles, extra scissors to share. 

Prerequisites: Prior experience with ritual, psychic development, trance and journeying.

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