Protection Bag WOrkshop

Protection Bag Workshop

What to expect: Craft your own spiritual protection bag.

Limited to 10 participants.

Dates: Saturday July 12th, 2025, 11am - 4pm PDT.

Location: Downtown Port Townsend, WA or Online (supplies not provided for online attendance)

Provided Supplies: herbs and materia for you to use in the protection bags and releasing bundles, craft supplies, paper, pens. Coffee, tea, chocolate and trailmix provided.

You would need to supply: 

1. Leather or Fabric bag, and cord if you’d like to wear it.

3. Any personal materia you want to add to your protection bag or releasing bundle

3. Optional: any materia you feel called to share with the group members for bags or bundles, extra scissors to share.

4. Your own lunch and snacks.

Prerequisites: None

Exchange: $150 -$250 sliding scale. Pay in 1 or 2 payments.

Sign up: Email