The Tree of Life

The Tree of Life: Healing Practitioner Training Program - Level 2

The healing practitioner training program is a 18-month hybrid program that meets primarily on-line, with four in-person intensives.


You will learn how to facilitate:

Energy healing, Cord Cuttings, Curse Clearing, Ancestral Healing, Past Life Healing, Soul Retrieval, Energetic Extraction, Working with Spirits, Assisting the Dead, Blessing Rituals, Advanced Divination Techniques, Dowsing, Conscious Mediumship, House and Land Blessings, Spiritual Contracts, Working with Time, Past Lives, Plants and Song in Ritual, Psychopomp, Magic and Spell Craft, Crafting Ritual Items, Practitioner Ethics and Boundaries, Nervous system support for practitioners and clients, and more. 


Each module is 9 weeks, and meets 3 times on zoom, and has either an online or in-person intensive. There is a 2 week break between each module.

Times (Pacific Standard):

Thursdays- Zoom: 6:00pm - 8:00pm PST.
Intensives - Zoom: Saturday & Sunday, 9:00am - 3:00pm, PST.
Intensives - In-Person: Saturday 9:00am - Sunday 5:00pm.

Module 1: Soul Tending and Mending: Cord Clearings, Soul and Essence Retrieval, Heart Walks

Module 2: Blessings Everywhere Now: Blessing Rituals and Spirits, Generative Magic, Ritual and Spellcraft

Module 3: Unwinding and Unbinding: Psychopomp, Assisting the Dead, Curse Clearing, Protection Bags

Module 4: Those Who’ve Gone Before: Ancestral and Lineage Healing

Module 5: Walking the Wyrd: Conscious Mediumship Intro, Time Divination, Past Lives

Module 6: Sacred Earth: Blessings for the Land, Animal, Plant and Nature Spirits, Elemental Healing, Materia Magica.

Module 7: Advanced Soul Retrieval Rituals + Practicum.

Prequisites (one of the following):

  1. The Sacred Door: Foundations of Mysticism and Ritual

  2. Equivalent Individual Learning with Katy

  3. Equivalent Training with another teacher


$450/module + your lodging for in-person weekends.
Payment plan: $175/month for 18 months.

REPEAT STUDENTS: For those who want to take the program a second time:
Payment Plan: $130/month for 18 months.


Notebook, pen, personal altar, rattle, frame drum, pendulum, tarot and/or oracle cards, dried herbs and censor, several pillar or 7 day candles, a head scarf, a computer with internet access. We will craft and harvest other ceremonial and healing tools during the course.


Most classes take place on Zoom.
In-person weekends take place at a rustic retreat space in Eaglemount, WA, about 20 minutes outside of Port Townsend, WA on the Olympic Peninsula.


Possible on-site lodging available at very low cost of $60/night. I also recommend sharing a local air bnb with other classmates.

Missing Class

All zoom classes will be recorded. I am working to find a way for in-person classes to be attended via Zoom, but this is a challenge due to the rural location which allows cell reception, but no wifi. These live weekends are hard to recreate, but some of the material can the made up through reading outlines, personal practice and 1-1 session with Katy.

How to Apply:

email Katy at to apply and sign up.