Rituals and Readings 

Healing Rituals and Readings for People, Places and Businesses.

Readings and Divination, Soul Retrieval, Ancestral Healing, Connect with the Ancestors, Curse Clearing, House and Business Blessings, Assisting the Dead and more.


  • 1/2 - 2 hours: distance or in-person.

    Focused on specific questions or major life events and choices, such as purchasing a home, conception/birth, death, marriage, divorce, starting a business, relocation, health and healing, etc.

    **If you are seeking insight around a specific relationship, bringing the birth date of the other person can provide additional insight. Birth time not needed.

  • 2 hours:

    An exploration of the next 365 days of your life.

    Visioning and divination used to understand the next year, with an in-depth focus on each month.

    You will receive a video recording and written summary of each month’s guidance to refer back to over the year.

    Can be scheduled at any time, although on or around birthdays or major life events can be especially significant.

  • During a reading I might use the tarot, cards of destiny, astrological techniques, ritual divination, past life readings, as well as my perceptive gifts of clairvoyance, clairaudience, and empathic intuition to help you gain clarity. I will sometimes use soft and repetitive sounds during a session to increase my perception, such as gentle rattling or soft drumming.

    You can choose 30 minutes, 1 hour, 1.5 hours or 2 hours.


  • Distance or in-person available

    A combination of soul-care rituals and ceremonies to support your intentions for healing and wholeness.

    Often folks schedule a healing ritual to support life challenges and transitions, relationship changes, loss, grief, career shifts, death/birth, illness, spiritual growth and healing, cord cuttings, etc.

    Click on “What to Expect” to learn more.

  • 1.5 hours

    A combination of personal healing rituals specifically crafted to support you and your ancestors.

    The ceremony can be focused on any lineage of which you are a part— physical, adoptive, spiritual, geographic, political, social, vocational, etc.

    This ritual brings healing to the soul-level (energetic) impacts of experiences and traumas for your ancestors, and for you as the inheritor.

    Before and after the session, I encourage you to work with your other healthcare providers to address the physical, emotional and psychological impacts of your ancestral trauma.

    The ceremony will last about 1.5 hours.

  • Soul Retrieval 4-6 hours: distance or in-person available.

    A soul retrieval ceremony works to repair any fragmentation that may have happened to you on a soul level.

    Click here to learn more about this ceremony.

  • An all-day blessing and cleansing ritual for your home, business or land. Typically only available in person, but occasionally I will offer these at a distance.

    Click here to learn more.

  • Distance or in-person available.

    Special Cases: I accept, on a case by case basis, circumstances of paranormal activity, active cursing, overshadowing spirits and other unusual circumstances.

    Specialty Rituals: Please contact me to discuss any specialty requests such as weddings, baby blessings, pregnancy/postpartum/fertility, naming rituals, rites of passage, or group ritual facilitation.

  • Any of the following techniques could be included in a healing ritual:

    Energetic clearing and extraction, cord cuttings, soul retrieval, past life healing, curse clearing, removal of overshadowing energies, conversations with spiritual guides and ancestors, plant spirit healing, elemental healing, blessing way ceremonies, divination, initiatory ceremonies (birth, death, parenthood, pregnancy/postpartum, menstruation/menopause, grief/loss, moving, change in career, graduation, retirement, elder hood, etc.), crossing over of deceased loved ones or attached spirits, destiny retrieval, spiritual protection.

    *All techniques are only utilized with your consent, and you may freely decline any modality.

    Session length varies by ritual type. See the scheduling page for more details.